5 simple hand lettering styles and techniques to help your design stand out!

Custom cursive Lettering work, gold letters on a black background

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These are 5 simple hand lettering styles and ideas that you should definitely try. While there are many types of styles, we hope that these examples will inspire you to practice and create new artworks, and why not, create your own styles as well.

  1. White on black
  2. Flourishes and swirls
  3. Monoline or linear style
  4. Using a grid composition
  5. Mix different techniques

White on black

This is a technique that will always look good. The high contrast of the white letters on a black support will always achieve the objective of attracting attention. The limitation of having only 2 colors available will surely allow you to find new ideas for your works.

These lettering works are made with any type of white pencil, marker or paint, using a black background, such as a black board.

Simple hand lettering style black on white
Uni Posca white pen on black paper with some white paint spots done with a brush
Typography Blendr – Volume 37 – PSD Vault
Simple hand lettering style black on white
Travel Lettering with a white colored pencil on black paper
Type Matters Collective (@type_matters)

Flourishes and swirls hand lettering style

The works of art created in this style are beautiful, delicate, intricate and special. This style will give an elegant touch to any piece. You will mostly see it used with some metallic ink on black or white.

These decorations or ornaments are inspired by the Art Nouveau movement, trying to replicate the organic forms of nature.

Simple hand lettering style flourishes and swirls
Gold hand lettering on white for an elegant style
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Simple hand lettering style flourishes and swirls
Elegant swirls using a diamond shaped composition
Hand Lettering by Stephen Pies

Don’t forget to check out Susan’s work from our team.

Monoline or linear style

This minimalist style, seeing in logos and icons mostly, works great for simple hand lettering styles as well. Using the same stroke weight for all the letters, the result is a clean, cool and modern lettering. Be sure to also try adding geometric shapes and negative space in your layouts to get a beautiful design.

Using a grid composition

You have surely seen the works done on blackboards, because the best way to create them is using a composition grid. Not only they help you as a support to write your letters correctly, but they also help you to get infinite ideas, first making sketches of the shapes and then writing on them. Look at these examples to get inspiration and try it out.

simple hand lettering styles grid composition 2 - badgedealers - Web Development, Graphic Design and Illustration Studio from Bergamo – Milano, Italia.
Work by Piesbrand
simple hand lettering styles grid composition 1 - badgedealers - Web Development, Graphic Design and Illustration Studio from Bergamo – Milano, Italia.
Composition grids by Stefan Kunz

Mix different techniques for simple hand lettering styles

You can create infinite simple hand lettering styles mixing techniques.
Try mixing simple black letters with a colored brush script, to give some dynamism and uniqueness to your lettering projects. You can try gradients, metallic colors, stains and all kinds of techniques.

Simple hand lettering style with different techniques
Mix some simple black lettering with some colored brush script for a stylish and unique look
Hidden words Lettering part2 by Stephane Lopes
Simple hand lettering style with different techniques
Lettering Works 2016 by Stephane Lopes


You can use these 5 different simple hand lettering styles in all sorts of ways, adding your creative twist on any message you want to say. Hopefully you’ll be inspired and try and incorporate it into your projects.

While you can download or buy already made fonts and do some minor stylisations, this will be never as good as drawing your own handwritten letters. Use different styles and colors to increase the variety and visual interest of your lettering.

If you have any tips, drop me a line with your favorite style. Try your best with these styles and have fun!


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